Redshift #32

Royal Space Force (1987)

This site’s been silent for too long! Our audience look up, and are not fed. But—with heartfelt apologies for the delay—we’re back. This post covers new material up to 22 June, and a subsequent post will catch us up. We hope! We’ll be experimenting with monthly rather than fortnightly updates from then on, and we’ll see how that goes.

In the meantime, the links gathered here contain all kinds of good stuff, and the translation section contains several capstone releases which complete the first full English translations of older titles, something that’s always a delight to see.

As usual, remarks from Feez are in blue and those from Thaliarchus are in red. Continue reading “Redshift #32”

Redshift #25

Nightsong of Splendour (1989)

Here’s your latest round-up of attention to older anime around the web! The load on this post is a little lighter, which we hope is just because the end of the Christmas break has made hobbyists less active, and not because we’ve missed whole tranches of activity…

This blog’s series of index posts is coming up on its first birthday—it’s 28 January—so thank you very much to everyone who’s reading! We might or might not manage more developed reflections on this anniversary in our next post.

As usual, remarks from Feez are in blue and those from Thaliarchus are in red.
Continue reading “Redshift #25”

Redshift #24

Genma Taisen (1983)

We’re back, after a festive extra week’s break. The holidays seem to have brought out a feast of posts and podcasts about older anime, and of new translation work, perhaps because we’ve all had a bit more time to spare. So, without further ado, here’s all of that activity that we could find, indexed!

As usual, remarks from Feez are in blue and those from Thaliarchus are in red. Continue reading “Redshift #24”